If your team relies on Smart Lists to stay on top of leads, you know how quickly things can get messy. The more lists you create, the harder it gets to find the right ones, keep workflows consistent, and make sure agents are following the best process.
Now, there’s a better way. Smart List Collections let you organize related Smart Lists together, structure your team’s workflow, and make lead management a whole lot easier.
A cleaner, more organized People page
This update isn’t just about Smart List Collections. It’s an overall improvement to the design and layout of the People page.
These updates help make it easier for agents to focus on what matters: Working leads and building relationships, without getting lost in a sea of lists.
And for account owners and admins, there’s a new Power-Up that lets you assign Smart List Collections to your team, ensuring everyone follows a structured, consistent workflow.
Instead of seeing all your Smart Lists spread across the top of the People tab, you can now group them into collections that make sense for your team. That means less scrolling, less confusion, and a cleaner way to work.
By default, Smart List Collections are personal, meaning every user can create and manage their own collections. But with the “Assign Smart List Collections” Power-Up, account owners and admins on Pro and Platform plans can assign collections to their team, ensuring a structured workflow that agents can’t modify.
Smart List Collections give you more control over how your team works leads, with less hand holding. No more hunting for the right list. Everything is exactly where it should be.
Smart Lists are powerful, but until now, they haven’t been great at telling agents why a list exists or how to use it. That’s changing with Smart List descriptions.
Now, you can add rich text descriptions to any Smart List, with:
Descriptions appear right at the top of the list, so agents always have the right context while they’re working. No more guessing or asking around – just clear, in-the-moment guidance.
Smart List Collections are live in your account today on desktop, and full mobile support is coming soon.
Please note: When we launched Smart List Collections, we discovered a small bug in the mobile release of this feature. Depending on your FUB mobile app version, you may see your Smart List Collections today, but the sort order of each Collection and Smart List may not match the desktop view exactly. We're working on a fix and will have it resolved ASAP.
Here's a quick sneak peek above showing how Smart List Collections display in the iPhone app. On desktop, you can head to the People tab, click Manage Smart Lists, and start organizing.
If you’re an account owner or admin, you can activate the “Assign Smart List Collections” Power-Up to assign Collections to your team and standardize workflows across your business.
Let us know what you think. We’d love your feedback as we keep improving Smart Lists to help you work your leads more efficiently.