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March 31, 2022

New Android update: Track your deals on the go

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The newest update to the Android app lets you view and manage your deals from anywhere, so you can be more efficient and organized when working from the road.

Here's a short video covering the highlights:

You can quickly pull-up your pipelines and deals, see the total value of deals in each stage, and view snapshots of key info like close dates and deal values.

You can also make changes to data of individual deals such as removing/adding assigned team members or leads, reassigning pipelines/stages and deal values.

To install the latest Android app update (version 2.26.2), visit the Google play store here.

Please note: We’re releasing this Android update in stages to help with app stability. If the update isn’t available for you yet, it will be available within the next several business days.

For more details on how to manage deals on Android, check out the help guide here.

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